Graphic reporting

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In 2015 and 2016 I did lots of graphic reporting for the ABCD Project. ABCD organised meetings at different venues in Norfolk, with the aim of making communities more caring and welcoming. My job was to visualise what was discussed at the meetings.

Graphic reporting is a little like doing live drawings. You have to very quickly and intuitively make drawings.

A photo of one of my graphic reporting works. It shows an A3-size sheet of paper with lots of little drawings and lots of speech bubbles. Next to the drawing is a tupperware box with lots of felt tip pens.
One of the early graphic reporting jobs.

As time went on I started drawing on large scrolls of paper.

Another photo of my graphic reporting. This time I drew on a scroll of paper, probably about three metres long.
A graphic reporting scroll at County Hall in Norwich.

I sometimes coloured in the scrolls after an event. Here I am with Sabrina, who was also involved in the events, at the Forum in Norwich.

A photo of me and Sabrina taking up a large table in the Marzano cafe in Norwich. The graphic reporting scroll had been rolled out and we are ready to start colouring in.
Colouring in is best done in a cafe.

The graphic reporting scrolls kept growing longer and longer. It's probably a good thing that the project ended in 2016!

Another photo of a large grahpic reporting scroll. This one is about ten metres long!
The report of a long meeting in Cringleford, Norwich.

And this is a (digitalised) detail of one of the scrolls.

A close-up of one of the scrolls. In the centre of the image are two men, drawn using felt-tip pens, fighting with swords. The text in the illustration is about how difficult it can be to have to keep adjusting as you get older.
A constant battle.