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I've been illustrating everything from books to posters for decades. One of my early jobs was to illustrate The de Veres of Castle Heddingham, in 1992. This is one of the illustration from the book.

A pencil drawing of a medieval settlement. The settlement is circular and surrounded by a wooden fence and moat. There are seven farm buildings, which are overlooked by a small, castle-like building on top of a manmade mount.
An illustration from The de Veres of Castle Hedingham, dated 1992.

The below illustration was for an album by a London piano virtuoso. I think I did the drawing in 2015, but I forgot to date it.

A black and white illustration for a Jazz album. In the centre is a male piano virtuoso playing a piano. You can only see the piano keys, and they swerve away into the distance. The background is a busy London cityscape. In the foreground is a double-decker bus, which serves as the a piano stool.
Album cover, ca. 2015.

Among the posters I've done illustrations for is this poster for George's Marvellous Medicine at the Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich.

A colourful poster for George's Marvellous Medicine. As the story was written by Roald Dahl I did the illustrations using watercolours in a style inspired by Quentin Blake. It shows lots of characters from the story making miracle medicine.
The poster for George's Marvellous Medicine, with my illustrations in the background.

And here is a staff board I designed for the Norwich and Norfolk University Hospital. The board is used to show who is working at a department – staff can put magnetic photos on the windows. However, they like the background so much that is more often used as a painting.

A picture of my staff board. It shows a large, grand hotel with lots of windows and is painted in a playful style. In each window something is happening. For instance, there are windows that show trees growing inside the building and seagulls and kites flying in the rooms.
Ellie's Love Hotel, 2020